Saturday, October 18, 2008

Too many shows too little time!

Do to a scheduling conflict this weekend, October 18th & 19th, we are unable to participate in the Rose Squared Inc., Brookdale Park Show in Montclair, NJ.
However, we are showing our work at the Kiwanis Craftmarket show at the National Guard Armory in Morristown ,NJ.
It's unfortunate that they fall on the same weekend, for many years we have been able to participate in both shows, usually back to back, but for what ever reason this calendar year they have fallen on the same weekend.

We truly enjoy doing both shows and it was a really difficult decision on which show to choose. In the end it came down to indoor show vs. outdoor and the unpredictable weather.

We hope this hasn't inconvenienced those who might have been looking forward to seeing us at Brookdale Park.

Please check our show schedule page on
to see where else we will be in the upcoming months.

Thanks, Jeannette